Healing Service Litany

Sharing is caring!

God the Father, Creator of all things,
surround us with your steadfast love.

God the Son, Saviour of the world,
make known in us your healing power.

God the Holy Spirit, Source of light and life,
renew the earth and restore us.

God our Father, Lord of the universe,
hear our prayer for the healing of the nations:
break the chains of bitterness and hatred; 
remove the yoke of oppression;
set us free from violence and terror.
Give peace in our time, O Lord.
peace in our world, peace in our homes, peace in our hearts.

God the great healer,
come to our help and make us whole

Lord Jesus Christ, Friend and Saviour,
hear our prayer for the sick and suffering:
give hope to people who live in daily fear of disease;
endurance to those who know they are terminally ill;
relief to all who endure wearisome pain;
resolve to victims of accident, injury and disfigurement;
courage wherever sickness strikes without warning.
Restore the afflicted in mind; mend the broken-hearted;
comfort all who suffer loss.

God the great healer,
come to our help and make us whole.

Spirit of God, giver of life and love,
hear our prayer for all who serve as healers:
give safety, patience and compassion to health professionals and volunteers;
wisdom and judgement to all who must make choices for the well-being of others;
creativity and imagination to medical scientists and technicians;
gentleness and resilience to carers;
strength and kindness to all who feel powerless because of the infirmities of those they cherish.
Equip your church in every place
to be the agent of your healing rule

God the great healer,
come to our help and make us whole.

Trinity of love and joy
weave your dance of life in us:
set us free from burdens we cannot bear;
release us from guilt and regret;
heal our fearful memories
and our anxieties for the future;
overcome our pride, greed and bitterness.
Help us to bear one another’s burdens:
to love in despite of hatred;
to hope in the face of despair;
to overcome sadness with joy;
to hold out forgiveness in the time of injury,
and faith in the place of unbelief.

May we seek not so much
to be comforted as to comfort;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

God the great healer,
come to our help and make us whole.

Sharing is caring!