
What goes on at our services


The main Sunday service is at 10.30.

Our seasonal worship booklets include ‘local variations’ drawing on the resources of Anglican liturgical practice from other parts of the world. They provide for lay ministers to conduct the service with the Reserved Sacrament as well as for a presiding priest.

Our musical setting was composed by the late Bernard Hill, our former organist.

In our worship we try to reflect our convictions about collaborative ministry:

  • we use an altar in the body of the church to remind us that we are all celebrating the eucharist;
  • we don’t have a choir (except for special events) – our numerous good singers sit in the congregation – but we do sing a lot;
  • there’s almost always a worship leader alongside the presider;
  • someone else usually preaches;
  • members of the congregation welcome the worshippers, read the Bible and lead the prayers;
  • those conducting the service don’t process in while everyone stands, but join the gathering assembly before the service starts, like the other worshippers;
  • about 25 people’s names appear on the rota for the regular leadership of our worship in one way or another.

One of our two retired priests is sometimes the presider; but they may also sit in the congregation, or be the welcomer, the preacher, the worship leader or the leader of the prayers – though not usually more than one at a time!


On Christmas Eve we hold a very popular Christingle service, usually attended by over 70 people, including lots of families with children, at 18.00. It’s followed by the First Communion of Christmas at 23.30, and on Christmas Day we have a Family Festival Eucharist at 10.30.

On the first Sunday of January we include extracts from the Methodist Covenant-renewal Service in our liturgy.

On Ash Wednesday a midweek service of Holy Communion includes the imposition of ashes.

During Holy Week we celebrate the institution of Holy Communion at 19.30 on the evening of Maundy Thursday with a service that may include foot-washing, followed by the stripping of the altar and a vigil until 22.00. Some years ago we instigated a meditative walk of witness on Good Friday and this has now become an annual event under the auspices of Churches Together in Selkirk and the Valleys. On Holy Saturday we have a Service of Light and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows at 18.00.

On Easter Day and on the Day of Pentecost we have celebratory Family Eucharists at 10.30.

We sometimes hold an evening service of Holy Communion on Ascension Day.

On the first Sunday of October we celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving with our annual Gift Day service, and this is followed by a bring and share lunch in the nave of the church.