Here are some links to other sites that you may find of interest.
Click or tap on the paragraph heading.
The Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC)
St John’s Selkirk belongs to the Scottish Episcopal Church, part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Information about the SEC, its history, liturgy and activities can be found on its website.
The Diocese of Edinburgh
St John’s Selkirk is part of the Diocese of Edinburgh, under the leadership of Bishop John Armes. The diocesan website has information about diocesan programmes and resources and a list of all the churches and their locations.
The Shared Ministry Network
The Shared Ministry Network links dioceses where collaborative ministry is promoted as part of the diocesan strategy, collaborative ministry churches, diocesan officers and others involved in development and support, and interested individuals throughout the UK.
Eco-Congregation Scotland
Eco-Congregation Scotland is a movement of Scottish church congregations, of all denominations and none, committed to addressing environmental issues through their life and mission. It is a membership organisation, with member-congregations voting at its AGM and electing trustees. You can read more of its story here.
Local Collaborative Ministry in the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles
Developments in collaborative ministry are going on in other parts of Scotland. This link will take you to information about what is happening in one of our most rural and sparsely populated dioceses.
Churches Together in Selkirk and the Valleys
Selkirk and the neighbouring valleys of the Ettrick and Yarrow waters have a flourishing and active ecumenical partnership, of which St John’s is an enthusiastic member.
Rowland’s is the Selkirk ‘dry bar’ for teenagers, set up by parents, professionals, and Churches Together, to provide an alcohol- and drug-free drop-in centre for the young people of Selkirk.
Rowland’s occupies what used to be the hardware shop of the late Rowland Tait, a member of St John’s, and it was named in his memory. Its purchase was made possible by the generosity of the Tait family and donations from local people and businesses.
Fresh Start Borders
Fresh Start Borders (FSB) is a registered charity started in 2008 by members of Churches Together, including several from St John’s. Its aim is to help homeless people and families in the Borders who are being rehoused, by providing a starter pack of basic household equipment (cutlery, crockery, cooking utensils, bed linen, towels, cleaning equipment, etc) without which the provision of accommodation alone is unlikely to be successful. In the past year over 200 of these starter packs were supplied, and referrals from the Scottish Borders Council, housing associations, and other organisations continue to increase.
Many of the things in the starter packs are recycled household items donated by people who have surplus things in their homes, though some items, such as kettles and clock radios, have to be bought for health and safety reasons. FSB is operated by a team of volunteers from a warehouse on the Riverside industrial estate in Selkirk.
Selkirk FairTrade
In February 2012 Selkirk was awarded FairTrade Town status, the outcome of months of hard work and numerous exciting events. The Selkirk FairTrade Committee includes people from several of our churches, one of which is St John’s. We have a FairTrade stall in church after Sunday services about once a month.