We are an inclusive, open-minded, collaborative-ministry church. Everyone is welcome at our worship.
We belong to the Diocese of Edinburgh in the Scottish Episcopal Church, part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.
We are a linked charge with our sister church, St Peter’s, in the nearby town of Galashiels, with whom we share our priest-in-charge, the Revd Dr Lesley Penny.
With other local churches in Selkirk and the surrounding area we are also part of Churches Together in Selkirk and the Valleys.

St John’s is open for public worship each Sunday at 10.30, usually for a service of Holy Communion. We share the common cup at our services but Communion may be received in one kind if preferred. Refreshments are available after Sunday services.
The notes or text of our sermons and intercessions are usually sent out each week to everyone on our email list. If you would like to receive these resources by email, please contact us with your email address.
Sunday 10.30 | Sung Eucharist in Modern English |
(On the first Sunday of the month this is a specially family-friendly service. On the third Sunday it includes prayers and laying-on of hands for healing). |
Children …
Are very welcome to any of our services. There is no Sunday School, but there is a family space in church with books and toys and art-work resources. We encourage even the youngest children to share in the communion, and grape juice is available as an alternative to fermented wine for children (and for adults who prefer it).
Access …
The church building is small and intimate with seating for up to 40 in normal circumstances, though we have space and enough chairs for 100 if necessary. There is wheelchair access at the main door, an induction loop, sound reinforcement. There are disabled and regular toilets with wheelchair access.
After worship …
We invite you to stay as long as you like for refreshments and a blether around the servery in church after the Sunday service: this often goes on as long as the service itself!
Baptisms, weddings and funerals …
To arrange for a baptism or wedding, please use the contact form on this website and see the FAQ page. To arrange for a funeral, either in church or at the crematorium or graveside, please ask your chosen funeral director to contact us to make the necessary arrangements.
Booking space in the church building …
The church interior is available to rent for events, classes, group activities, retreats, etc, either on a one-off or regular basis. For further information, please use the contact form on this website, or telephone 01750 22418.
Find us …
At the junction of Bleachfield Road and Shawpark Road, TD7 4EE, about a quarter of a mile north of the Market Place along the High Street and Scott’s Place.
News …
This website is designed for low maintenance. For up-to-date news of people and what’s happening at St John’s, check out our Facebook page.